Friday, February 15, 2013

The B Word... BUDGET!!!

Design on a Budget: Tips and Tricks!

In today’s world saving money is always a big concern. But what do you do if you want to spruce up your home but don’t have that huge of a budget.

Well here are a few tips and tricks.

1)      Say you find a fabric for window treatments or bedding or such, that you love but it is super expensive. A good trick is to use it as the trim on the lead edge of you window treatments or on a pillow or two. This way you have your fabric in the mix but you haven’t blown your budget.

2)      Have a wall paper that you love, can’t afford the whole room. Just do one wall. This creates a little drama and gives your room a focal point. Or use that wall paper in a powder bath. Powder baths are typically small, so you would be buying the same amount of wall paper.

3)      Know what you want to spurge on. There are a few areas you can and should spend more money on than others in your house. Most people can’t afford the make the whole house look like Trump’s, but you should figure out which spaces are important enough for you to spend some extra. For instance a lot of people will put more into a master bath than other bathrooms. I mean it’s your house, you should feel like royalty in your Master Suite. Or if cooking is your thing, budget for an awesome kitchen and keep other areas more modest. It’s all up to you and what you want.

4)      Don’t be afraid to wait. When we move into a new house or start a remodel/redecorating we want it done NOW!! Unfortunately sometimes the budget gets in the way. There is nothing wrong with going room by room! This ensures that you don’t blow your budget and gives your more time to plan out your next phase of the project.

Hope these tips and trick help. Happy designing.

 - Erin

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