Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Boo and E Day Extravaganza!

Dance competition season has officially begun and my sister is busy for several weekends throughout the next couple of months. She had this crazy idea- that I take my nephew for a Saturday and we hang out at my place.  Something that has never happened before.  My 'house' has always been an unfamiliar mysterious place somewhere 'downtown.' 

Sounded good to me! I was so excited that I started planning over a week in advance.  I consulted the Pinterest for ideas of how to entertain a 4-year-old at a place..... with no toys!

I picked Boo up in the morning about 10:30 and on our way to my place, he quickly discovered that I did not have a single truck toy at my house.  "But, E! You have to have a truck!"  

We had to remedy that.... STAT!

The excitement of a new toy made us both very hungry.  Luckily, I had found a hands-on lunch for us to make together.  You take a hot dog and cut it up into 1" chunks and you 'string' it through several pieces of spaghetti.  

Boo's are on the left... mine are on the right....some of these are not like the others :)

Then, you boil it all together until the noodles are cooked.  Strain the 'booger octopuses' as Boo called them  and enjoy with butter and cheese or your favorite sauce.

(Awesome picture alert!!!) 
It was Boo's idea to have a picnic on my patio; of course we had to bring the new truck and my only stuffed animal :) (Auntie Rosie might recognize him! He sleeps on my bed every day!)  We enjoyed our noodles, a banana, and some special Oreos for dessert.

After our picnic, and playing in the dirt, and frisbee, and a walk, and watching a bit of a movie, and making a Valentine garland for mama, and bubbles....

We were filthy!

Time to wash up in the sink and make funny faces in the mirror before having to leave!

Boo and I had so much fun!  

......then I took a nap :)

1 comment:

  1. Another great post! I can't believe he conned you into buying him another truck. And I love the octupus lunch - very cool. I'm sure there will be many more special aunt/nephew get togethers.
