Rice Crispie Treats and
Period. End of story. Without a doubt- these two desserts make me smile every time I have them... and I certainly can't have just one. They are so simplistic but perfect in their simplicity.
I didn't think desserts could get better than that.
Boy, was I wrong!
While perusing Pinterest one day, probably before drifting off to sleep after a long day at work, I found the perfect, most delectable, scrumptious, and perfect combination of flavors known to man....
That's right. Someone had the idea to combine my two favorite desserts.... "S'mores Graham Crispee Treats"
I couldn't believe it. And I couldn't wait to try them. They are just as perfect as I thought and have already made two batches.
Check out Country Cleaver's blog here- the inspirational creator behind these delicious treats!
We need to make these again soon! =)