Wallpaper was once the bane of everyone's existence. Let's face it, the 90's were a dark period for a lot of things :) When I utter the word "wall paper" to a client, they usually shudder thinking of some bygone day when they were removing wall paper for hours.
But now wall paper is making a come back and it is better than ever. And according to elledecor.com embellished walls are the next new trend! It is much more beautiful, environmentally friendly, and incredibly easy to maintain. Type II wallpaper - designed for commercial areas - can be cleaned with soap and water. Try doing that to your painted walls!
I am a firm believer that Powder bathrooms can be crazy cool! This one has faux-ostrich leather wall paper on it's walls. Very neutral with a small pattern to add a little interest.
While some wall paper is subtle, other patterns can be bright and colorful!
Wallpaper is a great way to add some interest to a space. It can add color and pattern to a space or to compliment the rest of the decor. This beautiful dining room was transformed with a beautiful striped wallpaper with a subtle damask pattern. Paired with simple draperies, this space became an elegant play on textures, patterns, and colors.
So, if someone suggest wall paper to you, take a deep breath and imagine all of the possibilities!
- Erika and Erin