One of the port cities of the cruise was Cozumel, definitely a place I can't wait to go back to! We decided to take a trip to the Mayan ruins of Tulum. I would highly recommend taking a trip to see some Mayan ruins; these were particularly amazing because of their proximity to the ocean and the amazing views it afforded.
Getting to Tulum wasn't so easy. We had to take a ferry ride from the island of Cozumel to the mainland, Playa del Carmen. The winds had picked up significantly through the night and I graciously grabbed a barf-bag from one of the ferry workers..... I didn't end up using it... but the waves were that bad!
As Evan called it, the Br-ee-some.
(Jared, me, Evan, Margaret, Michelle, Dan)
On the edge of the archaeological sight overlooking the beautiful ocean.
Token couple shot.
Evan forgot his sunglasses at home... and decided this was the least ridiculous pair he could purchase from a street vendor. Verdict is still out.....
Some of the Mayan ruins. Tulum was one of the main trading cities in the Mayan empire.
More ruins overlooking the ocean.
Using that handy Photsynth app again - makes some really great panoramics!
Already planning my vacation back to Playa del Carmen. The group is hoping to make an annual or biannual trip together. With some of us in Texas, some in Michigan, one in California, and another in Illinois - it takes planning a trip like this to get us all together!